Intro to Protobi
Explore, analyze and export your survey data using Protobi
Project flow
Get started
Create a new project
Import a new data set
Organize the data view
Press to drill in
"is," "or," and "not" queries
Toggle percentages & counts
Missing values
Bin ranges for numeric questions
Checkboxes & Numeric grids
Viewing compacted groups
Ratings questions
Condense ranking questions into a compact view
Create a more compact display for groups
Chart types
Search and filter text open-ends
Using text filter boxes
Cloud translations
Translate responses, formats and titles
Recode text for analysis
Let's make a word cloud
Clone elements
Weight data
Export to PowerPoint & Excel
Calculate ratios
Calculate ratios in Protobi
Calculate simple ratios
Condense text open-ends video
Advanced tool to recode text open-ends
Tips for open-end recoding
Create and export stylized crosstab tables