This is a auto-generated Article of all your definitions within the glossary.
This is a auto-generated Article of all your definitions within the glossary.
The properties represented by "key":"value" pairs that you seen in each element's JSON. Different attributes can take a string, numeric, array or object as a value.
A feature of the advanced button that organizes elements into groups based on the name of the data column.
children attribute
An array (list) of child elements, separated by commas.
compact group
A group with child elements that have collapsed distributions. Each child element will show a compactto value (e.g. mean, top 2 box, etc...). The full distribution can be seen when the triangle next to a child element is pressed.
compactto attribute
A value or an array of values (e.g. mean, top 2 box, etc...) that are displayed when a group is in its compact (collapsed form).
complement testing
Crosstab significance testing where each column is compared with the average of all other columns (excluding itself).
A string alias assigned to a key for display purposes. If there is no displayKey assigned, and element will show the key label as default.
element attribute
Seen as an option in the "More properties..." dialog. Reference a key in the element attribute to use a different question as the data source. Data is interpolated from that element, after applying its coding, transforms, etc.
Each question in your survey is represented as a chart in Protobi that we often call "Elements".
field attribute
Seen as an option in the "More properties..." dialog. Reference a key in the field attribute to use a different question as the data source. Unlike using the element attribute, using field will not apply the original element's coding, transforms, etc.
Text for footnote at the bottom of an element
The label that is attached to a raw value.
Frequencies are the bars seen in a chart. They represent how often a value is chosen. Toggle the "#/%" on the toolbar to see frequencies as counts rather than percentages.
global filter
Filters saved as a named subset in the global button. When a global filter is on, it limits both current filters and baseline filters. Scenarios only limit current filters and is thus still compared to whatever population is set as the baseline (which is usually by default all respondents).
JavaScript Object Notation is a minimal, readable format for structuring data. JSON is the basis of Protobi elements, which determines how questions are displayed (structure, formats, etc...)
The column name in the datafile that directly correlates to a question.
Reference value by which to scale bars for this element. Useful when compacting to means, so that bars can be drawn for means relative to a some value.
NA values
A value that is blank in the data file. This can be due to a skip pattern, survey logic that doesn't force an answer, or a profile variable that doesn't have a recorded value.
A group with sub-elements (children). Parents often do not contain data values themselves.
project elements
Elements is the code that determines how each question is displayed in Protobi. Protobi uses JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) code. The project elements is an aggregate of all the JSON elements in the project.
A current filter, or a combination of current filters that get saved as a named subset in the scenarios button. Scenarios only limit current filters and is thus still compared to whatever population is set as the baseline (which is usually by default all respondents). If you want to limit the survey to a particular subset, and make that subset your baseline use a global filter instead.
select an element
To select an element, press on the header of the element. This include the display key, or the white space to the right of the display key. Another way to select an element is to press the context menu and choose the first option.
showMissing attribute
Determines whether to show or hide missing values. Yes means always, No means never, and (default) means use current setting from [NA] button in toolbar.
Delimiter to split values for this element. For example "," will split a comma-delimited string into a multiple-response array.
The toolbar is the row of buttons seen at the top of the tool. Different buttons let you save, modify and export the data.